LibreOffice Conference 2017 Call for Locations

noun_245010The Call for Location for the 2017 Conference opens on May 1st, and will close on July 31, 2016. All details are available on the following wiki page:

As for the past editions of the event, the idea is to get proposals in advance in order to have 2017 location set before 2016 Brno conference, to give the opportunity to the 2017 event organizers to attend 2016 conference to get familiar with all the details: location, schedule, collateral events, etc. Traditionally, the LibreOffice Conference takes place between September and November, with a preferred date of October.

Organizing the LibreOffice Conference is a time-consuming task, where several team members are needed. Shortly before the Conference, it tends to be a full-time job, so organizers should be able to invest the necessary amount of time. Also, dealing with finances and sponsors is one of the main responsibilities of the organizers, so they must be sure to collect enough funding before the Conference, and only spend the money that they have.

In the past, we have been receiving applications from several third parties, including casinos or professional event managers. Keep in mind that the LibreOffice Conference is a community event, by the community for the community. While we appreciate people with professional event management skills, proposals not supported and driven by community members (not only TDF members) will not be considered.

The proposal should cover the following topics (all details are on the wiki page): team, organizing entity, main venue, accommodation, reason why (you want to organize the LibreOffice Conference), and other relevant details that can support the application (such as collateral events). The proposal – in English – should be sent as plain text or HTML e-mail, or as Open Document File (ODT) to