LibreOffice Conference Call for Papers has started
LibreOffice Conference Call for Papers has started
Five tracks on development, community and ODF
Community jury invites speakers to send in papers until July 22nd
The LibreOffice Community today announces the Call for Papers for its first annual meeting, the LibreOffice Conference (LibOCon), taking place in Paris from October 12th to 15th. The event is sponsored and supported by Region Île-de-France, Cap Digital, Novell, Canonical, Google, Red Hat, La Mouette, Ars Aperta, AF 83 and IRILL.
The Conference, organized by the community, is dedicated for developers, localizers, marketeers, designers, QA volunteers and everyone interested in furthering the development of the free office suite.
Speakers are encouraged to send in their proposals for the four tracks: development, community building, marketing, and the ODF MasterClass. In addition, there will be an on-site technical bird of feather sessions with a series of ten minutes lightning talks and discussions.
The final deadline is on Friday, July 22nd. Each proposal will be evaluated by a committee of community members, and speakers will be informed shortly thereafter.
All details on the LibOCon, as well as the submission form for the Call for Papers, can be found at
Media Contacts
Florian Effenberger (Germany)
Phone: +49 8341 99660880
Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff
Olivier Hallot (Brazil)
Mobile: +55 21 88228812
Charles H. Schulz (France)
Mobile: +33 6 98655424
Italo Vignoli (Italy)
Mobile: +39 348 5653829
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