The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.0.5
Berlin, August 22, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 4.0.5 for Windows, OS X and Linux, the fifth minor release of the stable LibreOffice 4.0 family. Users of the now-end-of-life LibreOffice 3.6 series are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
LibreOffice 4.0.5 fixes more than 90 bugs, many of them in the area of interoperability with proprietary document formats and operating systems. Thanks to the work of our QA volunteers, LibreOffice 4.0.5 also solves a number of regressions from earlier releases. Just recently, the QA community has concluded their first triage contest, thereby cutting down the number of untriaged and unreviewed bugs significantly. That has contributed greatly to an even more confident assessment of the LibreOffice quality.
The new release is available for immediate download from the following link:
Change logs are available at the following links: (fixed in and (fixed in
Small nitpick: the favicon of the blog is not the favicon of the main site, but rather the standard wordpress one. This link seems to describe how you can change it: – this also helps to show the correct icon when you hare it on facebook for example.
Also, you’re getting the standard “wordpress” twitter attributes. You should customize these for more relevant images when people share your blog pages on twitter.
Thanks for the hint – indeed, you are right! Last time I checked there was no option, but maybe I just didn’t spot it. Anyways, have fixed that now.
However, what do you mean by standard WordPress Twitter attributes?
It is a little better and there is still room for improvement. I see that now you use for favicon. If you compare that to the one used by the main site (, you’ll see that it’s placed and cropped differently which can be observed if you place the two tabs (the one for the blog and one for the main site) besides eachother in a browser.
As for the twitter tags: look at the source for the site and you’ll see things like: “<meta name="twitter:…". This has to do with the recently introduced "twitter card" system:
Thanks for that – will put it on my todo and investigate!
Any updates on the bug fixes?